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February 06, 2006



Microcosm my ass. Start thinking for yourself, James, and stop repeating what your English teacher tells you. A micrcosm would have people of different ages and occupations. It would have women, for fuck's sake! "Lord of the Flies" isn't an microcosm -- it's "Upper Class English Twits on Vacation." It's no more a microcosm than Animal House or Revenge of the Nerds is a microcosm. It's a fascist parable. It says, people are depraved and need to be kept in control. James, go back to class, stand up, and tell your teacher to try to get control over her inner nazi.


I think that you are totally wrong. Golding's book is an allegory and a great insight into human nature. It has many parallels to what is going on at the same time in the world. The island is basically a microcosm of the world.


I am a high school student who in the past year read Lord of the Flies in class as a novel study. I infact disliked it for reasons of my own and shared a lot of the same views as yourself. I still do not know why the government continues to force us students to read this novel and even claim it a masterpiece. I enjoyed finding another who shares the same views as me as most students are brainwashed by teachers into believing it is so amazing. Nice to know there are still sensible people out there.

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