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March 31, 2008


robert Forst (nee Cohen)

I was in the graduating class. I have written a little essay you might be interested in posting. See link below.


Nicholas Antonucci

Hello folks,
On May 6, 1957 PFC Nicholas Antonucci died while serving our nation in Korea. He was the youngest of ten children and his family lived at 129 Foster avenue.
My father (Danny Antonucci) was his brother and when I was born, my parents named me after my uncle - Nicholas Antonucci - who was in your class.
When I was growing up, my parents took the family to Pinelawn cemetery during the Christmas season and on Memorial Day each year, to visit the spot where my uncle was laid to rest. As a youngster, I dreaded going because it was frightening to me to see my name on a headstone. But as I grew older, because of that uncomfortable experience, I came to deeply respect all who served our nation and especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
My uncle was only 20 years old when he died, and I think about the fact he really lost two lives: the one he was currently living and the life he would have had if he lived.
In a way, I’ve been haunted by him since I was a child, thinking if he were alive would he be proud of the things I’ve done or the man I had become. This is something I’ll never know.
I’m hoping that whoever reads this post, and knew my uncle, that they would be willing to reach out to me to share any stories or interesting information about my uncle. My email address is [email protected].
Thank you for hosting this site.
Best to all & God bless everyone,
Nicholas Antonucci
Southold, NY

robert goldstein

Robert Goldstein '1952 now of Asheville nc welcomes emails from classmates.

[email protected]

Don Z. Block

Is it true that Bildersee and Neenan posed for Ghastly Graham Ingels, who drew the stories for three great EC comics, "Tales From the Crypt," "The Vault of Horror," and "The "Haunt of Fear?"

Matty Perlstein

I was Google searching for class pics of PS 217 and came across this. Although I graduated 6th grade at 217 in June 1960, I found this blog very interesting. I lived on Webster Avenue between Ocean Parkway and East 8th St. at the time, or from birth till about 1963. I know this is more than ten years later than the last post and don't even know if this will post, but here it is just to keep it going. I couldn't find that Facebook page mentioned above, just something which I joined years ago but is more for parents of current students. Anyhow, my email address is matt11209 at aol dot com if anyone wants to write.

Don Z. Block

Unless he left early, Paul Pagnato graduated in the class of '56, my class, the class of James Malarkey, Susan Bly, Francine Alpert (now deceased), Sherna Comerford, Jonathan Pearlman, Harry Peck, Harold Levene (now deceased), Fred Cohen, Bob Cohen (now deceased), Fern Gordon, Adrienne Canjemi, Linda Goldstein, Ira Shapiro, Alan Stern, Richard Ritz (a very tall, very funny fellow), Norm Leiber, Leslie Silber (now deceased),and it's getting kind of sad. Are you all aware of the fact that Marty Glickman went to P. S. 217? Aside from those already mentioned, is he the most famous graduate of our school?

Eric Sanders,Ph.D.

Eric Sanders received his Ph.D. from U.C.Berkeley & is now a retired Professor.

Anna Rousakis

Hi, there. Your blog and the posts about PS 217 were some of the inspirations that led to the creation of a 217 alumni and friends organization. Seeing the photos and reading the anecdotes about living in this area of Brooklyn and, more specifically, attending PS 217 are a vivid reminder of the vibrant history of this neighborhood. I wonder if you would be willing to share any of your memories and/or photos with our non-profit. We aim to include at least one alumni story in each of our biannual newsletters. If you or any of your readers are interested in finding out more about The Friends of PS 217, we are working on a website, but in the meantime, we have a Facebook page or you may contact us at [email protected]. Thanks!

robert c. forst

1st row, 2nd from left, is Robert F. Cohen, now Robert C. Forst, retired attorney and Judge living in Montecito, CA.




any body know how to contact Barry Bloom. he was my neighbor on East 8th St.

Paul Pagnato

Incredible....your 100% correct and I apologize. Just a couple of problems, Barry Bloom graduated with me, Bobby Sogluizzo graduated with me and both were "very" close freinds. Yes, confusing. Their is no doubt that Barry Bloom is in the 52' class photo. Thanks for the knowledge. Keep me updated please.

Vivian de St. Vrain

Paul Pagnato is mighty confused. He was not a member of class of 1952. The people he mentions -- all of them, as far as I know, were graduates of P. S. 217 in 1955. Look again, Paul.

Paul Pagnato

I believe the 2nd row, 1st person was Vinnie DiPaolo, and Steven Katz is 5th row, second from left.
Best wishes to all..Where is Harriet Kravitz, Jeffrey Saddock, Lucille Conguilino, Adriane Congemi, Marilyn Kaufman, Michael Katz, Frank Coppola, Susan Lord, James Malarkey ?
All from P.S. 217 are welcomed to contact me.
Paul Pagnato

Paul Pagnato

2nd row, 3rd from right is Barry Bloom, awesome freind.

Paul Pagnato

5th row, 3rd from left is Paul Pagnato (sorry, not Donal Schiebel), I am Paul Pagnato retired in Ft. Lauderdale.

Michael Leible

I graduated PS 217 in January 1948. I lived at 312 Webster Ave between East 8th and Ocean Parkway for 25 years. Eleanor Troy lived at 287 Webster; I was friends with her brother Sol. Beverly Leventhal was my next door neighbor at 312, and we were very friendly with the Leventhal family. Don't know what happened to the Troys, but Beverly and family moved to a house on Kings Highway and we fell out of touch. I had Mrs Ennis, Mr Kaminsky and will never forget Mrs Kieselbach who told me to just move my lips and not sing. Mrs Bildersee was Principal of 217, and it was a great time for me as were my next four years at Erasmus.

Ken Polay

I stumbled across this blog from Google when my dad's name popped up. Melvin Polay is in the 5th row from the bottom, 12th person from the left. This same photo has been hanging in his home office for as long as I can remember.

I am sorry to report that he passed away in July 1996 from pancreatic cancer. He was a CPA in Great Neck and lived in Merrick for many years.

tony s

Whoa...who said I'm retired...soon maybe, but for now still hawking "DeweY Decimal info"...Thank You Mrs Rubin (Libn. at good old 217). Buddy S (still waiting for the Dodgers to return from this cursed road trip (LOL)...more anon! PS.. to the moderator...thanx for jump (shot) starting me on a love for hoops! Vivian you were my role model for back court play!!

Lisa Pomerance

Lisa Pomerance is on 6th row 10th from the left. 9th from the left Estelle Tarman. Hope Steuer your Birthday is coming up June 14 right? Find me.

Lester Silberman

I think it's actually Paul Citrin - he's in my Brooklyn College yearbook

Vivian de St. Vrain

Thanks, to Steve, Bobby, Lester, Stuart for identifying some of the unknowns. Is it Allen Citron or Paul Citron? Can anyone out there help?

Steve Lewin

Is it Allen Citron or Paul Citron.

Lester Silberman

Found another one: Edwin Lawlor is in row 7, 11 from the left (invited me to the only New Years Eve party I was ever at in high school)

Lester Silberman

Rumor is truth. I am an ob-gyn and practiced in Vermont, Boston and Connecticut before I retired (mostly).
The student in row 4, 7 from the left is Jeannie Boyce (I know because I had a crush on her) and the student in row 4, 6 from the right is Rochelle (I don't remember her second name)

Stuart Blickstein

The name hit me

Row 6 9 fron left
Is that Lisa Pomerance?

Bob Sogluizzo

This article has served as lure, bait and hook to a group of us 217 alumni.
And as a group, we're intrigued by the host's connection to that school and neighborhood. But that aside, this is a wonderful place to return to, and to return from as well, because I return with fond (new and/or refreshed) memories of Brooklyn in the 50's. My Older brother 'Tony' (it was "Buddy" actually) was in that class (and in the picture), and I remember many of his classmates just from his mentioning them, and in some cases introducing me to them as he (begrudglingly at times ) took me to his ball games, etc. Later on, I would learn that many of my friends, in my age group, had older siblings from that same class.
I really would love to see this comment begin a new blog titled "Erasmus Hall in the 50's", if possible. Judging from how many people of note attended (and yes, even graduated from) that school, I'd wager the hits and comments would be incredible in both numbers and content quality. Me? After spending (many) mostly wonderful years there, I personally believe that all who attended The Hall are people of note, and I would love to read their comments on the Hall, the neighborhood establishments (Garfields, Nedick's, Ellman's, Schraft's, Charcoal Chef, Spinelli's, Brighton Billiards, etc.), and of course, the people (teachers as well as students).

Stuart Blickstein

I think fourth from left in row 1 may be John DiPalma.

Stuart Blickstein

What a memory test. Here's my 2 cents (good for a plain seltzer to anyone who cares to visit).

Row 3, 11 from left - Barbara Heiferman
Row 5, 4 from left (next to Scheibel) is Dan Roos, now a Dean at MIT.
First name for Damsky is Herb
First name for Kaufman is Norman
Row 6, 14 from left - Pauline Aridas (perhaps, but I thought she had moved away by '52)
re: Garguilo twins - I'm pretty sure it's Virginia on left. They could be told apart because V had a little scar on her chin.
Top Row between Ira and Norman is Herbert Ritter. Herman Breslow (I think)is on Norman's other side.
8th row, 3 from left - Judith Peretzman
Row 6, 2nd from right - Evelyn Fleishner
Row 6 9th from left - pretty sure first name Evelyn; was very friendly with Hope Steuer
Diane Wert was in the class, but I don't think she's identified correctly.(Maybe row 8, 5th from left.
Possible Row 7, 3rd from left - Allen Citron
Possible Row 7, 7th from left (bet. Carl and Johnny) - Norman Young
Possible top Row 7, 2nd from left - ___ Gorman

D. W.G.

Is that Stuart Flasterstein that I see in the first row, second from the right?


Which one is Dr Metablog?

Otis Jefferson Brown

2nd row, 4th from the left: Herman Pilleau.

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